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Escape the “Schedule” for Occasional Date Nights!

It’s no secret that struggling with infertility can take a toll on even the strongest of relationships. Feeling that connection can be tough if intimacy starts to feels more like work than play. You may want to consider taking a break from your focus on fertility and take some time to reconnect with your partner. An occasional date night gets you out of your regular routine and adds a sense of spontaneity that may have fallen by the wayside.

Here are a few ideas to spend some quality time with the one you love. The best part? You don’t have to spend a lot of money to show your partner how much you love them.

Stretch & Strengthen

The list of benefits associated with yoga goes on and on…balance, agility, flexibility, weight reduction, increased muscle strength, etc. Couples yoga takes things a step further; by moving and breathing together couples experience better communication, increased trust, and, often, a deeper expression of postures. It’s an ideal way to rekindle your connection with your partner in a supportive, caring environment.

Break Away

This could be anything from heading to the movie theater to checking out that new art exhibit to seeing your favorite author speak. Experiencing something new together, even just as spectators, can broaden your horizons, give you something new to discuss, and reinvigorate your bond.

Road Trip

It doesn’t have to be far. Choose an interesting destination–state park, new restaurant, fun flea market–about an hour from home that neither of you has been to before and explore. Keep an eye out for interesting sights along the way, and use the drive to talk…about anything but your fertility struggle. You may find that the drive itself is just as interesting as the destination.

“Days Off” Sex

Hitting the sheets for some physical intimacy when you’re not actively trying to conceive can breathe fresh air into an act that has become anything but spontaneous. Send your partner a sexy text. Break out some lingerie. Interrupting a routine you may have fallen into can help revive any romance.

Kick Back & Relax

That could mean anything from enjoying a couples massage to delving into your favorite books to lazing around watching Netflix all day. Being on the merry-go-round of infertility is draining. Taking a break together doing what you find most relaxing is a great way to boost your connection and appreciate just being with each other.