Practical Solutions For Secondary Infertility

There are two kinds of infertility for women - primary and secondary. Primary infertility is when a woman can't get pregnant, after trying for a year without using contraception, or six months if she is over 35. Secondary infertility can arise in women if they have had one or more successful pregnancies but can't seem to get pregnant again. Utah... read more »

Celebrate Men’s Health & LGBTQ Gay Pride Month

In honor of June's National Men’s Health Month, Utah Fertility Center would like to share some ways you can take better care of yourself for better health and wellness (which boosts fertility). Many men are often so busy taking care of others that they neglect their own self-care. Raising awareness of men's health issues helps prevent and detect problems earlier... read more »

Aspire Study (Assessing the Safety of Pregnancy in the Coronavirus Pandemic)

Utah Fertility Center is encouraging all pregnant patients to participate in the ASPIRE study that is listed below. Please visit the website and let us know if you have any questions. . The ASPIRE (Assessing the Safety of Pregnancy in the Coronavirus Pandemic) study is spearheaded by Drs. Marcelle Cedars, Heather Huddleston and Eleni Jaswa at the University of California,... read more »

Beat Infertility by Understanding and Tracking Your Menstrual Cycle

If you have been trying to conceive and it's taking longer than you expected, you are not alone. One in eight couples experience infertility.  The better you can understand your cycle, the better you can determine if you simply need to give it more time, or if you should seek the help of an expert.  You can chart your fertility... read more »

Join Us for National Infertility Awareness Week April 19-25.

Here at the Utah Fertility Center in Pleasant Grove, Murray, Ogden, and St. George, Utah, our caring team of infertility specialists work tirelessly on your behalf to provide you with the care you deserve on your infertility journey. You are not alone! We also support National Infertility Awareness Week® (NIAW) that runs from April 19 – 25, 2020. We promote... read more »

Recognizing Endometriosis Awareness Month this March

March is Endometriosis Awareness Month. This international movement involves fundraisers, and social media campaigns designed to raise awareness about endometriosis. According to the Endometriosis Foundation of America, the disease is often misdiagnosed or undiagnosed, often stemming from insufficient education and awareness. At the Utah Fertility Center, we actively support reproductive health and promote awareness in our community. Endometriosis affects around... read more »


  犹他生殖中心致力于帮助家庭成长。国际知名的医生和全美领先的高怀孕率和出生率吸引了来自世界各地的患者。犹他生殖中心的卵子数据库资源充沛(超过250个经过预筛选和合格的卵子捐献者), 其规模及多元化的卵子捐献者数据使犹他生殖中心的卵子数据库位于美国大型卵子数据库的前茅。此外, 中心旗下还拥有高端技术创新的胚胎实验室,让您很容易就能理解为什么患者选择犹他生殖中心。我们细心的国际客户协调员随时准备引导您完成旅程的每一步。犹他生殖中心已帮助成千上万的患者实现了他们为人父母的梦想。我们可以推荐专业代孕代母中介公司, 代孕心理咨询服务和代孕法律的专业服务, 以帮助您顺利完成整个旅程。 犹他州是美国最蔚为壮观美丽的州之一, 拥有五大令人震撼的绝美国家公园, 顶级的滑雪胜地和自然奇观, 您将难以在世界的任何其他地方找到。在这里, 您可以体验剧院、购物、博物馆、美食等更多乐趣。   犹他生殖中心国际客人服务 IVF试管婴儿 冷冻胚胎移植 捐卵 代孕 LGBTQ 家庭组建 基因检测 什么是IVF 体外受精? (IVF) 体外人工受孕的治疗方式是女性患者服用或注射荷尔蒙类药物,在药物的帮助下使其卵巢内多个卵子发育成熟。医生使用超声波引导取卵针通过阴道从女性患者体内取出成熟卵子, 在实验室将精子添加到卵子中以使受精发生, 待受精卵即胚胎发育3-5天后再植入子宫中。此外也可以冷冻胚胎,待患者在以后方便的时候通过冷冻胚胎移植方式植入子宫中。 冷冻胚胎移植 在体外受精(IVF)周期结束后, 有多枚胚胎或计划进行PGT-A(对胚胎进行基因染色体测试)的夫妇将会冷冻保存胚胎, 以备将来使用。玻璃化冷冻胚胎保存是目前最先进的胚胎保存技术。如今玻璃化冷冻胚胎保存术已成为高级生殖技术(ART)诊所的常规做法。 在准备冷冻胚胎移植周期之前, 女性患者会服用相关药物来提高体内子宫的雌激素和孕激素水平, 使子宫处于良好备孕状态。这种荷尔蒙药物刺激准备通常需要3-4周的时间。在这3至4周的时间内, 生殖专家还会同时监测患者体内激素水平和子宫内膜,以确保最佳的子宫状态及接受性, 然后再将冷冻保存的胚胎解冻并移植回子宫。大约95%的胚胎通常会在解冻过程中顺利存活下来。胚胎移植后10天进行妊娠测试。 捐卵 犹他生殖中心建立了优秀的卵子捐献者计划, 中心下属的卵子库中有250多位卵子捐赠者。因为我们拥有自己的内部卵子捐赠者列表, 如果您选择我们卵子库列表中的捐赠者,则没有额外的卵子捐赠者代理中介费用,为您节省大笔额外费用。此外, 您还可以选择有一个已知的卵子捐献者, 例如姐妹或朋友。根据不同个案情况的要求, 我中心的卵子捐赠者也会考虑公开捐赠的提议。我中心卵子库的协调员可以根据您的要求,帮助您选择最合适的卵子捐赠者。如果您希望从代理机构寻找合适卵子捐赠者, 我们也很乐意为您提供各类协调工作, 以便更好地为客户服务。 卵子捐献的成功率很高, 通常达到75%的怀孕率, 这意味着65%的活产率。最常见的方法是冷冻胚胎, 稍后在冷冻胚胎移植周期中进行移植。 在卵子捐献周期中, 卵子捐献者服用卵巢促排药物让体内排卵更多。通常, 捐卵者会产生15-40个卵子。使用标准的IVF技术, 可以将卵子取出后注入精子, 在实验室内培育多枚胚胎。我们的生殖专家会密切观察并指导患者使用药物, 令患者的子宫接纳性与卵子捐赠者的周期保持同步, 或者根据患者要求, 安排冷冻胚胎移植周期以及安排协调有代孕代母要求的代孕移植周期。 犹他生殖中心的国际医疗服务团队由Russell A. Foulk 医生领导。... read more »

La tua destinazione internazionale per i servizi di procreazione medicalmente assistita

  Allo Utah Fertility Center siamo lieti di aiutare le famiglie a realizzare i loro sogni. Specialisti medici riconosciuti a livello internazionale e uno dei più alti tassi di natalità dovuti alla fecondazione in vitro (FIV) attirano pazienti da tutto il mondo.Il nostro vasto e diversificato programma di ovodonazione (con oltre 250 donatrici esaminate e qualificate in precedenza) e il... read more »

Tu destino internacional para servicios de fertilidad

  En Utah Fertility Center estamos encantados de ayudar a las familias a cumplir sus sueños. Médicos especialistas de reconocimiento internacional y una de las más altas cifras de nacimiento por fecundación in vitro (FIV) atraen a pacientes de todo el mundo.Nuestro amplio y diverso programa de ovodonantes (con más de 250 donantes examinadas y cualificadas previamente) y nuestro laboratorio... read more »

Ihr internationales Kinderwunschzentrum

  Das Utah Fertility Center unterstützt Sie auf Ihrem Weg zum Wunschkind mit großer Hingabe, denn wir verstehen, dass Ihr Kinderwunsch Sie wahrscheinlich seit vielen Jahren begleitet. Wir tun und ermöglichen alles, um Ihnen diesen Wunsch zu erfüllen. Dabei steht Ihnen ein international anerkanntes Ärzteteam mit langjähriger Erfahrung, Expertise und höchsten IVF-Erfolgsraten zur Seite. Dies sind nur einige Merkmale, warum... read more »